8000ers.com, Statistics, News and Stories about the 14 highest mountains of the world
Pakistan-8000ers 2017 Summary |
Thursday, 12 October 2017 14:45 |
The Pakistan season was quite long this year. Here is the draft table with all ascents known.
Thanks a lot especially to Rodolphe and Thaneswar! Also to Boyan for the addition and corrections today, October 15th! Update November 12th: Again there are two additions on Broad Peak. Please note that on August 4th nobody went to the true summit despite some of them still celebrate it.
Two Updated Everest Tables |
Tuesday, 25 April 2017 12:37 |
Today it is nine years ago that I launched this website. I hoped to be able to survive with it, because I posted many unique tables and a donation button. Since then only a handful of people spent some money for me to survive. Today I post two updated Everest tables. First one is the nations breakdown, because the next one will be number 100. Second one is the no additional oxygen table, because the number 200 will be this year, if successful. I have many other updated tables on my computer, but still need sponsors or more donation just to survive. If someone likes my work and would like to have some more of my tables please donate or find sponsors for me. Otherwise I will not be able to continue and we cannot celebrate 10 years next year.
Here are the direct links to the two tables, I hope you like them:
Everest Nations
Everest without additional oxygen |
Wednesday, 13 August 2014 13:52 |
The All 14 - Table is updated! You can find it here!
Hagshu from 6515 to 6657 m |
Thursday, 07 May 2015 12:50 |
An Indian mountain in Kishtwar was correctly resurveyed by a Slovenian expedition in 2014 and it changed the High Asian systematics quite a bit. Please download the updated table here. |
"Herausforderung 8000er" veröffentlicht! |
Wednesday, 18 December 2013 12:08 |
Good news for the German speaking readers (in German):
Die deutsche erweiterte und überarbeitete Version des Buches "On Top of the World - The New Millennium" ist nun nach langer intensiver Arbeit unter dem Titel "Herausforderung 8000er" erschienen.
Es enthält neben spannenden Geschichten zu historischen und neuen Besteigungen im neuen Jahrtausend Routentabellen und Chronikauszüge bis Mitte Oktober 2013 und viele schöne unveröffentlichte Fotos. Auf anderen ausgesuchten Fotos sind auch alle Routen und Versuche genau eingezeichnet. Somit ist das Buch ein Nachschlagewerk, an dem alle Bergfreunde ihre Freude haben werden. Hier kann man es bestellen.
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